2019-2021 - Royal College of Art, Experimental Communication (MA)
2016-2019 - Falmouth University, Graphic Design (BA) (First Honours)
2018 - Hochschule Augsburg, Germany, Visual Communication (BA)
2014-2016 - Warwickshire School of Art, Visual Communication (DDD*)
Tutors : Timothy Donaldson, Luke Pendrell, Mafalda Spencer, Ken Hollings, Brian Clarke, Jens Masmann
Recent Employment
Snapchat Design Academy x Royal College of Art - visiting lecturer on behalf of Export Radio
Export Radio - Art / Design Director
EEL x Iglooghost - Graphic Designer
Royal Shakespeare Company, Love as a Revolution - Assistant Artist
Habibi Collective - Poster Designer
Awards and Shortlists
2020 Varley Award Winner in partnership with Louise Gholam
2020 Pokemon x Royal College of Art Scholarship, shortlisted
Exhibitions, Publications and Showcases
Royal College of Art, Art & Design in a post-covid world, featured artist
Antivoid Alliance, Amass Radiant Heretics, featured artist
Royal College of Art, WIP show 2021
Royal College of Art, Five ways the RCA community are staying connected, interview
Loose, interview
ART WORK MAGAZINE, featured artist
Falmouth Graphic Design Graduate Show 2019
34minus1 Issue 1 launch, Art Hub Gallery, Deptford, featured artist
Paperweight, artist in residence
Hochschule Augsburg Werkshau 2018
'The Outsider' (Der Fremde), Bellevue De Monaco, Munich, book launch, featured work
Manchester Design Week x THENTHEREWASUS Magazine, work on show
Warwickshire School of Art Graduate Show 2016
D&AD, work featured on Showreel at D&AD New Blood
Selected Lectures
Falmouth University, online alumni in residence
Royal College of Art, Bright Labyrinth Lecture series w/ Ken Hollings, (the virility of a generated self-portrait which cannot see)
Falmouth University, Authocratic Authorship, who plays the role of God in Art & Design(?), seminar
Warwickshire School of Art, visiting lecturer
Scrolling Into the Deep.Mp4, video showcase, lecture and seminar
also here are all my studio books as of the end of 2019